The biggest benefit of quantitative trading is that it enables you to analyse an immense number of markets across potentially limitless data points. A traditional trader will typically only look at a few factors when assessing a market, and usually stick to the areas that they know best. Quant traders can use mathematics to break free of these constraints.
By removing emotion from the selection and execution process, it also helps alleviate some of the human biases that can often affect trading. Instead of letting emotion dictate whether to keep a position open, quants can stick to data-backed decision making.
However, quantitative trading does come with some significant risks. For one thing, the models and systems are only as good as the person that creates them. Financial markets are often unpredictable and constantly dynamic, and a system that returns a profit one day may turn sour the next.
For this reason, quant requires a high degree of mathematical experience, coding proficiency and experience with the markets. So it certainly isn't for everybody.